Iranian Nuclear Dialogue Ends Without Agreement
MOSCOW - Iran's
nuclear dialogue with the group of developed countries (P5 +1) which took
place in Moscow, Russia ended without agreement on both sides. Failure
was reportedly triggered by the attitude of both
parties insist the
proposals of each.
"We continue to believe on the facts presented that the enrichment of uranium for peaceful purposes in all kinds of levels is the right of Iran. However, questions related to the supply of fuel could have been included in the deal," said Chairman of the Negotiating Iran's Saeed Jalili, told AFP on Wednesday , (20/06/2012).
Jalili Iran insists the focus of the Moscow meeting is to fight for the rights of his country, to enrich uranium in varying degrees for both today and in the future.
In contrast, the P5 +1 proposal precisely in urging Iran to suspend uranium enrichment to 20 percent. This level is considered the threshold for producing nuclear weapons.
"We are at a crossroads. Now the West must choose which path they will take. One way that is available is out of the impasse over the last 10 years because so far we have been transparent," said the Iranian delegation member who declined to be named.
Following the collapse of the nuclear dialogue in Moscow came the news that says that Iran and the P5 +1 will meet again to resolve this impasse. A number of country names also appear as a location for the delivery of future nuclear dialogue China, Turkey and Kazakhstan.
However, both parties have not confirmed this news. Moscow talks as failure to repeat the previous two dilaog failures that took place in Turkey and Baghdad.
"We continue to believe on the facts presented that the enrichment of uranium for peaceful purposes in all kinds of levels is the right of Iran. However, questions related to the supply of fuel could have been included in the deal," said Chairman of the Negotiating Iran's Saeed Jalili, told AFP on Wednesday , (20/06/2012).
Jalili Iran insists the focus of the Moscow meeting is to fight for the rights of his country, to enrich uranium in varying degrees for both today and in the future.
In contrast, the P5 +1 proposal precisely in urging Iran to suspend uranium enrichment to 20 percent. This level is considered the threshold for producing nuclear weapons.
"We are at a crossroads. Now the West must choose which path they will take. One way that is available is out of the impasse over the last 10 years because so far we have been transparent," said the Iranian delegation member who declined to be named.
Following the collapse of the nuclear dialogue in Moscow came the news that says that Iran and the P5 +1 will meet again to resolve this impasse. A number of country names also appear as a location for the delivery of future nuclear dialogue China, Turkey and Kazakhstan.
However, both parties have not confirmed this news. Moscow talks as failure to repeat the previous two dilaog failures that took place in Turkey and Baghdad.
Dialog Nuklir Iran Berakhir Tanpa Kesepakatan
MOSKOW - Dialog nuklir Iran dengan kelompok negara
maju (P5+1) yang berlangsung di Moskow, Rusia berakhir tanpa tercapainya
kesepakatan di kedua belah pihak. Kegagalan ini kabarnya dipicu oleh sikap
kedua pihak yang bersikeras dengan proposalnya masing-masing.
"Kami tetap pada keyakinan pada fakta yang ada
bahwa pengayaan uranium yang bertujuan damai dalam semua jenis tingkatan
merupakan hak Iran. Namun pertanyaan terkait dengan pasokan bahan bakar bisa
saja dimasukkan dalam kesepakatan," ujar Ketua Tim Negosiasi Iran Saeed
Jalili, seperti dikutip AFP, Rabu, (20/6/2012).
Jalili menegaskan fokus Iran dalam pertemuan Moskow
adalah untuk memperjuangkan hak negaranya, dalam melakukan pengayaan uranium
dalam berbagai tingkatan baik untuk saat ini maupun di masa depan.
Sebaliknya, kelompok P5+1 dalam proposalnya justru
mendesak Iran untuk menghentikan pengayaan uraniumnya hingga 20 persen.
Tingkatan ini dinilai merupakan ambang batas untuk memproduksi senjata nuklir.
"Kami berada di persimpangan jalan. Saat ini
Barat harus memilih jalan mana yang akan mereka tempuh. Satu jalan yang
tersedia adalah keluar dari kebuntuan selama 10 tahun terakhir karena selama
ini kami telah bersikap transparan," tutur anggota delegasi Iran yang
enggan disebutkan namanya.
Menyusul gagalnya dialog nuklir di Moskow muncul
kabar yang menyebutkan bahwa Iran dan P5+1 akan kembali bertemu untuk
memecahkan kebuntuan ini. Sejumlah nama negara pun muncul sebagai lokasi
penyelenggaran dialog nuklir mendatang yakni China, Turki dan Kazakstan.
Namun, kedua pihak belum mengkonfirmasi kabar ini.
Kegagalan pembicaraan Moskow ini seolah mengulang kembali dua kegagalan dilaog
sebelumnya yang berlangsung di Turki dan Baghdad.
Conclusion :
agreement between the states P +5 iran still deadlocked Because both Iran
and the P +5 are siding with the opinion of each. so there is still need for a
meeting again. iran so far will continue to conduct its nuclear enrichment.
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